How do I provide Coaching

I meet the client company and they inform me about the current position of the company together with the group of professionals that are due to be included in the executive coaching process, as well as the objectives and areas of work considered important.

I hold a team session with the group of professionals and an individual session with each member.

With the information obtained from these meetings (information provided by the organisation, by the team, by each of the individuals and my assessment of everything I have seen), I issue diagnostic report in which I describe our proposed lines of work, suggested targets, and the duration of the coaching process, together with an estimated schedule for sessions pending approval by the coachees.
The time elapsed between sessions is usually 2 to 3 weeks. Weekly sessions are not arranged, since we must pause between sessions, when the individual is going to find situations that allow him/her to develop what has been covered in the sessions. This “between-session” time is essential for the person to discover the processes and thus leave time for analysis, reflection and the implementation of strategies that s/he has not yet used.
A team (teams from 3 up to 20 people) session may last 5 hours.
An individual session lasts 1 or 2 hours.
The duration of a coaching process may be between 6 months and 1 year, which means that you can have from 9-11 individual sessions (6 months processes) up to 18-20 individual sessions (1 year processes). In terms of team sessions, I will have met with the entire team approximately once a month.

Halfway through the process (when we have completed about half of the sessions set out in the diagnostic report), I meet the team of the organisation that has hired me (example: General Director, or Human Resources Director) and provide a progress report, to comment on how the process is progressing (as well as discussing any new difficulties or issues that have been raised during this period and were not evident in the first assessment and diagnostic session), and the progress of each individual.

At the end of the process, I have another formal meeting with the team of the organisation that has hired me to issue the final report where I assess both the individual and team current situation.